One Generation Away

Directed by Ken Carpenter, this documentary is the 2015 Winner of 5 Dove Awards and Winner of Best Documentary at the Christian Worldview Film Festival.  Churches can contact EchoLight Studios to show the film to their congregations. The contact number is 763.439.1149. Visit the website and watch the trailer at the following link.

This movie will help quickly educate the faith community about the threats to religious liberty and provide the opportunity for discussion on how to become more engaged in protecting religious liberty for future generations of Americans.

The Georgia Baptist Convention is encouraging its churches to have a movie night to see the film. The article, written by Rev. Gerald Harris for The Christian Index, can be accessed at this link.
Religious Liberty Resolutions
- Georgia Republican Party on RFRA
- Republican National Committee on RFRA
- Republican National Committee on FADA
- Georgia Baptist Convention on RFRA
Guidelines for Churches or Ministries
- By-laws for Churches, Religious Schools & Non-profits
- SBC and ADF By-laws for Churches and Ministries
- Guidelines for Political Activities
Sample Letter Guide to Write Elected Officials
- Support RFRA and Support FADA
- Sample Letter to Governor Nathan Deal

Sample Letters-to-the-Editor
- Land of the Free Needs RFRA and FADA
- Why Georgia Needs a State RFRA and FADA

Church Handouts for Family and Friends
Fact Sheet in RFRA
- Fact Sheet on FADA
- Action Items to Share
- Growing Ramifications of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage
- Global Businesses Oppose Religious Liberty
- GBC Executive Director Calls Christians to Action
- Comparing RFRA Language in Battleground States

In the midst of a chaotic culture which has lost its way, the time is now to step forward, to stand in the breach, and to rebuild the foundations of this nation. What you do today - your calls and your emails matter. Of all the building blocks of freedom, none is more important than religious liberty. Yet, in our day, government is infringing on the right of conscience and the free exercise of religion with the purpose of silencing religious viewpoints and actions in the public square and in the marketplace. A free nation and a pluralistic society cannot endure when government forbids people from doing what their conscience demands or seeks to compel its citizens to think, speak, or act in ways that their conscience forbids.

It is up to each generation to pass the torch of freedom to the next generation. Now, it is our turn.
Passing the Torch of Religious Freedom
to the Next Generation